How to apply to get NOC for installation of Overground/Underground Telegraph Infrastructure?
Applicants willing to apply for Overground/Underground Tower/Optical Fiber need to follow simple steps i.e.,
- Register yourself on Single Window Clearance System (RoW). You will get user ID and Password on the mobile number provided by you.
- Login from the same portal using Login Credentials (Registered Email ID and Password).
- Select the respective application, fill and process it as per the procedure.
What is the fee for establishing Overground/Underground telegraph infrastructure?
For Overground Telegraph Infrastructure (Tower)
As per the designated department notification viz. PWD, P&RD and UD&MA; refer Notification Section for notification details.
For Underground Infrastructure (Optical Fiber Cable)
As per the designated department notification viz. PWD, P&RD and UD&MA; refer Notification Section for notification details.
Can we apply for more than one establishment or maintenance from same User Login?
Yes, you can apply for multiple application from the same login.
What is the payment mode?
The only mode of payment is Online.
Does Fees once paid is refundable or transferable or not?
Fees once paid for the establishment of a tower or laying down the optical fiber is neither refundable nor transferable.
Is there any minimum area of land required for establishment of Tower and Optical Fiber?
What should I do if my application got rejected?
Appropriate remarks or comments will be communicated to the applicants for any form of rejection. Also, a timeline will be provided to the respective applicants for amendments or correction or modifications.
Can I see the status of my application at every step?
Yes, all applicants who have applied through the Single Window Clearance System can view their application status from their login dashboard. The status of their application will be also communicated by email and/or SMS.
Do I have to visit departments physically during the processing of application?
What are the documents required while filling up the form and in what format & size?
Kindly view the checklist section for the required document uploads.
What is the helpline number to get assist while filling up the Common Application form?
Drop a mail to the